Club Auction – October 11, 2024

Join us for the Club Auction this Friday, at the Zayante Fire Station, 7:30 pm. We have (at least) 21 lots of items for you to bid on. See the catalog here. Venue address details are in the event announcement. … [Read More...]

August 2 Club Meeting – Staying on the Air and Online, All the Time

When all else fails – Ham Radio! But more and more we also need, or at least really want, Internet Access for radio related purposes. In a disaster, or even just during routine outages, we want to have backup … [Read More...]

Field Day 2024

John Nogatch, AC6SL, presented the results for Field Day 2024 to both the SLVARC club and the SLCARC club. Slides (PDF) Animation of Slide 27 showing contacts on a country map, ten at a time (MP4). The frame … [Read More...]

May 3 Club Meeting – The Curta and Other Vintage Computing Devices (Slides Posted)

When I was in high school my parents bought me an expensive programmable scientific calculator. Using that calculator taught me about assembly-style programming and probably encouraged my interest in … [Read More...]

The Olympics of Amateur Radio – WRTC 2022

The World Radio Team Championship (WRTC) 2022 (postponed to 2023, due to COVID) will be held for 24 hours on the second full weekend in July from Bologna, Italy. This event is a once every four years radio … [Read More...]

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