Field Day 2024

John Nogatch, AC6SL, presented the results for Field Day 2024 to both the SLVARC club and the SLCARC club. Slides (PDF) Animation of Slide 27 showing contacts on a country

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Club Meeting – Field Day 2024 Report

Field Day 2024

This year ARRL Field Day will be starting with setup on Friday, June 21, and running through teardown on Sunday, June 23. Kerry K3RRY

Field Day 2023

The San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club and the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club have joined forces for Amateur Radio Field Day 2023 (info) in La Selva Beach, CA.

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Virtual Club Meeting – Field Day 2023 Preparations

This year ARRL Field Day will be starting with setup on Friday, June 23, and running through teardown on Sunday, June 25. At the club meeting we will be discussing

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