Several current and past members of the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club posed for a photo during the club meeting on Friday, February 3, 2017. Many thanks to Bob Wolbert, K6XX, for the photography.
Sean Kellythorne, KI6MGI; Sam Sjogren, WB6RJH; Ed Oliver, KI6DAS; John Nogatch, AC6SL; Tuck Hartshorn, AF6GQ; Reed Cotton, N1WC; Chris Angelos, KG6DOZ; Don Taylor, K6GHA; Allen Fugelseth, WB6RWU; Fred Miles, KJ6OOV; John Sisler, KJ6ZL; Jim Brown, K9YC; Tedd Parske, KI6APT; Warren Kruth, KG6DPA; Glen Worstell, KG0T; John Detke, KJ6WKT; Ed Butler, KJ6WKQ; Tom Kenville, W6TJK; Elizabeth Dessuge, K6FIT; Brad Baker, N6BHT; and Cap Pennell, KE6AFE.
Middle Row
John Charcho, N6FBA; Claudia Fugelseth, XYL WB6RWU; Alan Marconett, KM6VV; Ray Wentz, W6LPW; JV Rudnick, K6HJU; Angela Sanchez, KM6BHX; Roy Bradshaw, KF6KVD; and Bob Wolbert, K6XX.
Front Row
Dave Sanderson, K6DKS; Kerry Veenstra, K3RRY; Robert Costa, KB6QXM; and Michael Panus, KK6SQD.