Join us for Field Day, this Saturday, June 27. This year we will have three radio stations on the air. Through them you can contact people around the world. Come by on Saturday and make a few contacts!
- Starting day/time: Saturday, June 27, 11:00 A.M.
- Potluck BBQ dinner: Saturday night, 6:30 P.M. Please bring your favorite pot-luck dish to share (for 6–8 people). The club will provide BBQ entrées.
- Ending day/time: Sunday, June 28, 11:00 A.M. (Yes, we make contacts through the night.)
CAL FIRE Ben Lomond Camp, 13575 Empire Grade, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (directions)
For Field Day setup on Friday we’ll be using W6WLS (147.18 (+), PL 94.8) for wide-area talk-in. W6WLS is linked with KI6FKX in Salinas (147.27 (+), PL 94.8).
The local simplex frequency in and around the site will be 147.555, ARES TAC 14, which is assigned to the SLV area.