
Bylaws of San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club

1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club.


2.1. To bring together persons interested in amateur radio.

2.2. To promote interest in amateur radio.

2.3. To support communications for community activities.

2.4 To establish and maintain an amateur radio repeater station in the San Lorenzo Valley, to serve as an open repeater for:

2.4.1. Members of the Club, and:

2.4.2. Public service in time of emergencies on a priority basis.


3.1. Eligibility: All persons interested in amateur radio communications who apply for membership and pay the Club’s annual dues.

3.2. Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary.

3.3. Dues: Shall be as set by the Board annually.

3.4. Arrears: Members more than 90 days late in paying dues shall be considered inactive, thereby relinquishing privileges in the Club, including loss of the right to vote, loss of use of the Club’s Repeater Autopatch and Club Station.


4.1. Regular: Shall be held the first Friday of each month unless otherwise ordered by the Club or by the Board.

4.2. Special: Can be called by the President or by the Board, and shall also be called upon the written request of one quarter of the Members of the Club.

4.2.1. The purpose of the Special Meeting shall be stated in the call.

4.2.2. Except in cases of emergency, at least ten day’s notice shall be given.


5.1 Positions: There shall be 4 to 6 Officers: President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 1 to 3 Board SLVARC San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club Members-at-Large.

5.2 Eligibility: To be an officer, a Member must be a licensed amateur radio operator.

5.3. Nominations:

5.3.1. A Nominating Committee of 2 or 3 club Members shall be appointed by the President at the June meeting.

5.3.2. That Committee shall select a proposed slate of Officers.

5.3.3. That Committee is encouraged to include a Youth Representative on the proposed slate.

5.3.4. That Committee shall report at the August meeting of the Club the names of at least one person for each office.

5.3.5. At the August meeting the President shall call for nominations from the floor for each office.

5.4. Election:

5.4.1. The Officers shall be elected by ballot at the August meeting.

5.4.2. The Officers shall be elected by a plurality.

5.5. Installation: The Officers shall be installed at the August meeting.

5.6. Term: The Officers shall serve for one year unless re-elected for another term.

5.7. Limitations: No Officer shall hold more than one office at a time.

5.8. Vacancies: Vacancies occurring between elections shall be filled by appointment by the Board.

5.9. Duties: The Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Club.

5.9.1. PRESIDENT: Shall: Preside at all Club and Board meetings. Conduct meetings according to the rules adopted. Enforce due observance of these bylaws. Decide all questions of order. Sign all official documents adopted by the Club, and not sign on behalf of the Club any documents not adopted by the Club. Perform all other customary duties of the office of President of the Club. Work with club members to arrange for speakers for the Club’s meetings. Advance Club interest and activities as approved by the Club.

5.9.2. SECRETARY: Shall: Record minutes of all Club and Board meetings. Keep a roll of all Members and provide this information regularly to the Technical Committee for Repeater Autopatch and other technical updates. Carry on all correspondence. Read communications at each meeting. Coordinate the Club’s Web site.

5.9.3. TREASURER: Shall: Establish a yearly budget for the Club, with input from, and approval by, the Board. Receive and receipt all funds paid to the Club. Approve and pay all budgeted expenditures. Pay no bills without the proper authorization. Keep accurate accounts of all funds received and spent by the Club. At the Club meeting, submit a statement to the Club of receipts and disbursements. Arrange for an annual verification of the bookkeeping accuracy of the club’s finances.

5.9.4. BOARD MEMBERS-AT-LARGE: Shall: Assist the other Officers in the management of the Club. Perform other appropriate duties as may be specified by the Board. Serve as stand-in during Club and/or Board meetings when the President, Secretary, or Treasurer are unavailable.

5.10. Club Records: All officers will keep records related to their positions, and at the end of their term will turn over those records, and all previous records of their positions, to their successors.


6.1. Members: The board shall consist of the 4 to 6 elected Officers.

6.2. Meetings:

6.2.1. Regular: The Board shall meet monthly, or as often as required.

6.2.2. Special: Additional meetings can be called by the President, Board, or by the membership of the Club.

6.3. Duties: The Board shall:

6.3.1. Conduct and manage the affairs of the Club.

6.3.2. Recommend rules and regulations needed by the Club.

6.3.3. Set the time and place of meetings.

6.3.4. Make recommendations to the Club.

6.3.5. Obtain approval by a vote at a regular Club meeting for all non-budgeted expenditures above ten percent of the Club’s yearly budget.

6.3.6. Obtain approval, preferably by a quorum of the Board, or, if necessary, by 2 members of the Board, if more than ten percent of the Club’s yearly budget needs to be expended for an emergency.

6.4. Actions: The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Members, and none of the Board’s actions shall conflict with actions taken by the Members.

6.5. Quorum: Four members of the Board shall be a quorum.

6.6. Report: The Board shall present a yearly report to the Members at the July Club meeting.

7. COMMITTEES: Special and Standing:

7.1. Shall be established by the President or by the Board for specific purposes.

7.2. Shall be established when voted by the Club.

7.3. Upon completion of their assignment these committees shall be automatically disbanded.


7.4.1.TECHNICAL COMMITTEE COORDINATOR Shall be a club member technically qualified to hold the position and shall be appointed by the board.

7.4.2. Be responsible for maintaining all Club-owned equipment and sites.

7.4.3. Coordinate all work on Club equipment, sites, and equipment projects.

7.4.4. Establish a Technical Committee of at least 3 members, who will assist in maintaining all Club-owned equipment and sites.

8. MAJORITY VOTE. All decisions will be carried by a simple majority of those Members present at a meeting.

9. AMENDING THESE BYLAWS: The proposal shall be:

9.1. Submitted in writing at a regular Club meeting.

9.2. Seconded.

9.3. Voted upon at the next Club meeting.

9.4. Approved by a simple majority of the Members.

9.5. If a simple majority of the Members are not present at the meeting at which the vote is to be taken, the vote can be taken by mail and/or by petition.

10. DISSOLUTION: In the event or dissolution of the Club, the assets of the Club shall be distributed equally among the Members in good standing belonging at the time.


Sept 4, 1975: Date on earliest available version of the SLVRC bylaws.

July 20, 1976: Bylaws amended

July 23, 1982: 2nd version published.

Mar 25, 1992: Revised version approved by the Board.

May 1, 1992: This version approved by Club.

Aug 1, 1992: This version approved by Club and Board.

Oct 31, 2000: Updated version ratified by the Club.

July 11, 2003: Updated version approved by petition.

Prepared by KD6ZJN, Brad Baker
October 30, 2002

Prepared by KF6QVO, Jim Nolan
Oct 6, 2000.

Prepared by KF6GPE, Ray Rischpater
October 6, 2000

Prepared by N6IQA, Steven Ng
March 7, 1999

Prepared by KG6UI, Debra Blanke
August 1, 1997

Prepared by AA6ZG, Leon Fletcher
May 2, 1992