We had three presentations tonight! First, John AC6SL showed the sort of slow-scan TV images (SSTV) that one can receive from the International Space Station on 2-meters. With most ISS passes below 45° elevation, few images are completely perfect, but some are quite good, and even poorly received images usually are readable.
Then Glen KG0T presented a background on Microcomputers for Ham Radio. After showing that there really are many alternatives, he focused on the Raspberry Pi family of development boards. These products are flexible and used for many kinds of Ham and non-Ham projects. The wide range of products are priced from $5 to $35.
Finally, Fred KJ6OOV demonstrated a PiStar Digital Voice repeater that runs on a Raspberry Pi. Although the demonstration used D-STAR, the repeater software can be set to automatically respond to several different digital voice packet standards.
Here are links to all three presentations:
- ISS Slow-Scan TV — John AC6SL
- Microcomputers for Ham (and non-Ham) Projects — Glen KG0T
- Multimode Digital Voice Modem — KJ6OOV