Field Day Video 2020

Becky Steinbruner recorded video during Field Day 2020. Here are the highlights.

00:00 – 01:39 Friday Setup
01:40 – 04:38 VHF Antenna Field Repair
04:39 – 06:34 Satellite Station Discussion (Rosemary Anderson and KJ6ZL)
06:34 – 08:29 Phone Station Tour (K8SQB)
08:29 – 13:26 Participant Interviews (K6PDL, Rosemary Anderson, KM6SV, and K3RRY)
13:27 – 16:56 Digital Station Tour (N6SBN)
16:58 – 17:27 Participant Interviews (KE6QZJ and WB6DWP)
17:27 – 22:03 Satellite Station Tour (KJ6ZL)
22:04 – 22:33 VHF Station Operations (K3RRY)
22:34 – 24:36 Participant Interviews (W0YK, AG6PI, and KN6GRJ)