Club Meeting – Yagis & Hex Beams

John AC6SL will discuss his work on Yagis and Hex Beams.

Club Meeting – Smartphones with Ham Radio

We have an interesting presentation for the September meeting: Rohan Agrawal, KJ6LXV, will present “Bluetooth APRS Text Messaging and Tweeting Systems.” He is also the developer of the system being

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Club Meeting – Elections – 10-GHz Communcations

Allen WB7RWU and visitor Stu Phillips K6TU will talk about portable 10-GHz communication.

Club Meeting – Field Day Wrap Up

Glen KG0T Busts Antenna Myths

Glen KG0T was the highlight of the April 11, 2014, Club Meeting as he busted myths related to antennas and transmission-line matching. Here you will find the slides from his presentation.

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