Archives for 2014

Looking for a Few Good Listeners!

It’s that time again, and Field Day is just around the corner. There are plenty of things about to happen, but I want to ask for help in one specific

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New Web Site Continues to Grow

The new WordPress-based web site continues to grow as I convert content from the old Joomla-based site.  It’s been taking longer than I had expected, but new posts and features appear every week.

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1/12–wave Matching for a Dipole: Why Bother?

During my recent presentation, I showed how the 1/12–wavelength matching technique using a short length of 50- and 75-ohm coax could be used to get a 1:1 match to 50 ohms

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Glen KG0T Busts Antenna Myths

Glen KG0T was the highlight of the April 11, 2014, Club Meeting as he busted myths related to antennas and transmission-line matching. Here you will find the slides from his presentation.

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Antenna Myths and Magic

The featured speaker at tomorrow’s Club Meeting will be Glen KG0T: The talk will discuss some very popular myths relating to antennas, and attempt to debunk them. Some topics may

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