Becky Steinbruner recorded video during Field Day 2020. Here are the highlights. 00:00 – 01:39 Friday Setup 01:40 – 04:38 VHF Antenna Field Repair 04:39 – 06:34 Satellite Station Discussion
Field Day 2020 Surprises
To say we live in interesting times would be an understatement. However, to have participated in Field Day 2020 underscores amateur radio’s ability to adapt to conditions, while building and
Field Day with Social Distancing
This year’s annual ARRL Field Day event has morphed into Field Day with Social Distancing. County health departments along with the United States CDC continue to recommend social distancing, face covers,
Field Day 2020
Participate in the annual Amateur Radio Field Day event. This year, due to COVID-19 social distancing, plans have changed. Read about that here.
Field Day Wrap-Up 2018
Here’s a belated posting of the June Field Day results. Checking the ARRL Database, K6MMM had the highest 3A score in the SCV section, and K6MMM was #6 in the SCV