Here’s a belated posting of the June Field Day results. Checking the ARRL Database, K6MMM had the highest 3A score in the SCV section, and K6MMM was #6 in the SCV
Field Day 2019
November 12, 2018 by
Join us for Field Day on Saturday, June 22, and make a few contacts. This year we will have several radio stations on the air communicating with people around the
Field Day
January 19, 2018 by
Field Day Wrap-Up 2017
July 16, 2017 by
On July 14, 2017, members of the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club met to discuss the results of Field Day 2017. During the meeting, John AC6SL presented his analysis
Field Day
May 7, 2017 by
Join us for Field Day, on Saturday, June 24, and make a few contacts. This year we will have several radio stations on the air communicating with people around the world. Our special