Yeasu FT-60R and Unwanted WIRES

Q: Why do people sometimes say that my transmissions start with touch-tone beeps that cut off my voice? A: Your FT-60R is in “WIRES” mode. Q: How did it get there?

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2012 Election Results

Many thanks to all who ran for office and to all who voted, and congratulations to the newly elected board members! Those at the meeting saw that the election for

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Off-Grid Solar Power

Don Turner (N6RX) has provided us with a copy of his stellar presentation about off-grid solar power. We are very grateful as the presentation includes necessary practical matters that only

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New Six-Meter Antenna

On April 6, Brad N6BHT, John AC6SL, JV K6HJU, and Kerry K3RRY replaced the 6- meter antenna at the repeater site. During the team effort Kerry removed the old antenna

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Home Brew Night 2012

The first 2012 meeting of the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club was held on Friday the 13th! Traditionally the first meeting of the year is Home Brew Night, where

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