Virtual Coffee 9 Meetings Continue

Although some folks have returned to in-person Wednesday lunchtime meetings at Coffee 9 in Ben Lomond, others have been attending the concurrent Zoom meetings. We will continue to organize the

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Using a Commerical Handheld with Amateur Radio

During the September 10, 2021, club meeting, Kerry K3RRY presented what it is like using a commercial handheld radio on amateur repeaters. A PDF of his presentation is here. Below

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ADS-B and AIS: Tracking Aircraft and Maritime Vessels

During the August 6, 2021, club meeting Jeff Liebermann AE6KS gave a technical talk on ADS-B and AIS. These are two tracking systems that receive the locations of aircraft and maritime

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International Light House & Lightship Weekend – 2021

Richard K8SQB is organizing this year’s International Light House & Lightship Weekend, which is happening on August 21 and 22 near the Mark Abbott Memorial Lighthouse. Plans are to make

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2021 Board Election Results

At the August 6, 2021, club meeting, members reelected the current board of directors for another term.