Frequency Measuring Tests

Many thanks to John AC6SL and to Sam WB6RJH for their engaging and well-prepared Tech Talk on ARRL Frequency Measurement Tests (Club Meeting, August 7, 2020). Who knew that wielding electronic

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Field Day Video 2020

Becky Steinbruner recorded video during Field Day 2020. Here are the highlights. 00:00 – 01:39 Friday Setup 01:40 – 04:38 VHF Antenna Field Repair 04:39 – 06:34 Satellite Station Discussion

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Field Day with Social Distancing

This year’s annual ARRL Field Day event has morphed into Field Day with Social Distancing. County health departments along with the United States CDC continue to recommend social distancing, face covers,

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VIRTUAL Club Meetings

For the foreseeable future, our club meetings will be held virtually through Zoom meetings. Each meeting’s connection details will be sent through the club’s email reflector. Several virtual-meeting announcements have

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First Virtual Club Meeting

On Friday, April 3, 2020, at 7:30 pm, the SLVARC hosted its first Virtual Club Meeting by Zoom. Many thanks to attendees Tom KG6AO, Brad N6BHT, John N6FBA, JV K6HJU,

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