Home Brew Night 2012

The first 2012 meeting of the San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio Club was held on Friday the 13th! Traditionally the first meeting of the year is Home Brew Night, where

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Raspberry Pi

A few hams in the SLVARC use GNU/Linux computers for purposes related to amateur radio. Since I just recently set up a GNU/Linux-based single-board computer, I’m documenting the steps that I took here

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HSMM-MESH: Upgrading the Firmware

My other article HSMM-MESH: My First Experience explains how to convert a factory-fresh WRT54GL wireless router into an HSMM-MESH node. This article explains how to update the firmware of a

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HSMM-MESH: My First Experience

(April 27, 2014: Links updated.) Note: If you already have an HSMM-MESH node and you want to upgrade its firmware, see HSMM-MESH: Upgrading the Firmware. I knew nothing of HSMM-MESH

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SLVARC Field Day 2011

“CQ Field Day this is K6MMM” The San Lorenzo Valley Amateur Radio club in conjunction with the Santa Cruz County Amateur Radio Club held the 2011 ARRL field day at

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